Author Archives: Qrossfire

About Qrossfire

Qrossfire team has managed to obtain gun safes and review them. From budget-friendly to high-end we have reviewed them in order.

Shooting for safe hearing

Isn’t it refreshing to own a gun? Especially the long-barreled ones, with the butt supported by the shoulder. Doesn’t your mind feel elated once you hit the target? But let us tell you one thing, your unprotected ears howl a completely different story. For them, it’s a terrible experience to receive sound signals from the… Read More »

Tips For Users, How To Store Guns In A Safe?

It is a very known fact that how important is the safety of a gun for firearms. They have to protect their guns from getting into the wrong hands, especially the kids. So if you also have a gun and safety of it is your top priority. Then you have to read this article and… Read More »

Best Shotgun Ammo for Home Defense and Target Shooting

People throughout the world are using shotguns effectively for home defence or to defend their cabins, farms, and houses from any unknown interventions. The shotguns are being used for centuries because the sound of the ammo bursting from a shotgun is enough to deter the intruders from their path fearing their lives. Modern self-defence experts… Read More »